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战国铸客升鼎安徽淮南寿县李三孤堆楚王墓出土安徽博物院藏the warring statue period 500bc 221bc bronze sheng ding with inscription zhu ke unearthed from lisangudui hu

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商玉色盘河南安阳小屯妇好墓出土中国社会科学院考古研究所藏the shang period 16th century 11th century b c jade palette unearthed from antique jade jade stone archaeological

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春秋动物纹提梁铜卣湖南衡阳赤石村出土衡阳市博物馆藏the chunqiu period 771 476 bc bronze you with animal design unearthed from chishicun hen antique collection chinese bronze bronze

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